Welcome to The Road to Six Figures Challenge Week 11!
The Six Figures Challenge is a challenge created by entrepreneur, TraVal Shanklin, to document his journey of earning six figures from scratch through business ownership.
Enjoy The Journey
Sometimes I catch myself feeling in conflict with myself. On one hand, I want to be this wildly successful individual that is a role model to the Black community. However, I also want to enjoy my life while doing so. I guess you can call it the battle of now vs. the battle of the future.
Many people catch themselves longing for the future at the extent of never enjoying the present moment. Working on their business, the body, or themselves while never stopping to enjoy the process. Getting so engulfed by the end goal that they miss the point of setting the goal in the first place.
Yes, it’ll feel great when you reach an income goal you worked hard for, but the feeling is temporary. The person you became in the process is way more important than the end goal itself. If you achieved that income goal while following all of the values and standards you put on yourself, you will not only feel accomplished but you will be better prepared to handle more success if you want it.
Why do you think many people lose almost all of their money when they win the lottery? Some splurge & live extravagantly, while others actually try to make more money but since they are uneducated they end up losing their money in bad deals.
Remember: the process is just as important if not more important than the end goal. Pursue goals you want to achieve while simultaneously enjoying the journey.
Upcoming Week
This upcoming week, I’m implementing some of my plans to reach my goals for the week!
If your business is struggling with increasing sales please contact our sister company!
Thanks for reading the Road to Six Figures Challenge Week 11! Connect with us on Social Media!
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