Welcome to the Road to Six Figures Challenge Day 2!
The Six Figures Challenge is a challenge created by entrepreneur, TraVal Shanklin, to document his journey of earning six figures from scratch through business ownership.
Let’s Recap
Yesterday, I introduced you guys to the challenge and talked about why I did the challenge. Today, I would like to talk about how I plan on hitting the six figure goal.
As you know, I currently have 2 businesses: Entrepreneur Millionaire and Shanklin Technology.
Entrepreneur Millionaire
Entrepreneur Millionaire started out just as a blog I do in my spare time. However, over the past year or so I have been dedicating more time to it because I believe it can make an impact on the world.
Currently, I sell gear such as shirts, mugs, and other items on the website.
I have been running multiple promotions through Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, and soon to be local modeling.
My plan is to continue to use Facebook Ads, while also reaching out to models locally and on Instagram to drive sales.
Shanklin Technology
Shanklin Technology started out with family members asking me to solve some of their technology issues they were having. As I begin to make some money through my family members, I began to think about if other people had the same problems. Furthermore, I thought about how I could provide value in a way that matches my passions.
By this point, I already had experience building multiple websites through WordPress and driving traffic through social media advertising. So, I aligned those 3 areas with my passion for helping people into a business I named Shanklin Technology.
I believe that if I can let other people see who I really am and what I’m about, sales will skyrocket. Authenticity and honesty is everything.
Thanks for reading the Road to Six Figures Challenge Day 2!