Welcome to The Road to Six Figures Challenge Week 10!
The Six Figures Challenge is a challenge created by entrepreneur, TraVal Shanklin, to document his journey of earning six figures from scratch through business ownership.
This past week was my vacation week where my friends and I took a trip to Los Angeles, California for my birthday. I know you hear those “you don’t need a vacation type of entrepreneurs” and I don’t agree with them. Life is too short to not enjoy yourself. Since I’ve been 18 and away from home, I’ve made it a habit to get out of my state and travel.
Traveling opens your eyes to new perspectives that can be advantageous in the future. Being in Los Angeles was a great experience that I will remember forever. However, with so many people the traffic was horrible almost everywhere we went. This made me realize why I am working so hard in my 20s. I want to have the freedom to go on trips and go to the store when I want to. It is emasculating for me to ask for permission to have time off or leave. Having control of your time is a major factor that everyone should consider before trading your time for money. You can always get your money back, but you can never get your time back.
Also, the mansions in Beverly Hills and the plethora of exotic cars on Rodeo Dr. was motivating to me. For me to get the level of income to afford that lifestyle, I have to own my own business. Not only that but also having multiple streams of income will provide the financial freedom I crave not only for myself but for my family as well.
I’m glad I got to experience Los Angeles with my friends. Thanks babe for setting it all up!
Upcoming Week
This upcoming week, it’s back to the grind!
If your business is struggling with increasing sales please contact our sister company!
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