Welcome to the Road to Six Figures Challenge Day 5!
The Six Figures Challenge is a challenge created by entrepreneur, TraVal Shanklin, to document his journey of earning six figures from scratch through business ownership.
The Daily Battle
As a man of faith it’s a constant battle between fueling my flesh needs and fueling my spirit needs. On one hand, I think about becoming highly successful to improve my quality of life. On the other hand, I want to be able to mentor people and help them become wealthy as well.
Two opposites pulling each other have created a Christian Businessman. This is also part of the reason why I created Entrepreneur Millionaire. With Shanklin Technology, I know I will make more money and be seen as successful in financial terms. However, money is a poor motivator in the long-run if it’s the only thing you are working towards.
To me, freedom is more important than the money. Shanklin Technology is my way of playing the game to achieve freedom. Freedom from bosses, freedom from jobs, freedom from struggle, etc.
With Entrepreneur Millionaire, I built it to provide the mentorship people so desperately need. I’m not talking about the people who are already rich, even though it’s great to connect with them. People who grew up in low socioeconomic backgrounds are the ones who need mentorship the most.
I’m showing them, that it’s possible to be an African-American male and successful without playing ball, selling drugs, or being famous. By building businesses and staying focused, you can create the same success you want to achieve.
Where does Christianity fit in?
I believe that to achieve anything and completely live up to your potential, you must have faith. Faith is one of the things that separate the successful from the non-successful. Having faith in God and faith in yourself can lead you to all types of opportunities. Notice I said having faith in God first. To live up to your fullest potential, keeping him at the forefront is a must. Nothing should come before your faith in the Lord. This means that you make time for him first thing in the morning and throughout the day. Use you relationship with Christ to get you through challenges in your business and every aspect of your life.
It’s going to be a constant battle, but never surrender.
Thanks for reading the Road to Six Figures Challenge Day 5!