Welcome to the Road to Six Figures Challenge Day 4!
The Six Figures Challenge is a challenge created by entrepreneur, TraVal Shanklin, to document his journey of earning six figures from scratch through business ownership.
Yesterday, I sent my proposal out for my potential client to review and he responded with some suggestions. It looks like the proposal should be completely signed by the end of this week, most likely this weekend. PandaDoc is a great software tool to create proposals with. It’s easy to use and offers templates that takes the pain out of creating them from scratch. I look forward to using it more in the future.
Upwork is nice way to get clients, especially your first clients especially if you don’t have any. Create an account and start sending out some bids. They do have a limit on how many bids you can place before having to pay, so choose wisely.
Also, for me, I targeted individuals/companies looking for people with moderate experience. Even though you get the most money for expert, I wouldn’t recommend bidding on something you aren’t confident with doing. Think about underbidding your services to get your ratings and hours up there, then increase your prices. Once you have did the work for people, you have case studies to show other bidders.
It’s a process. Once you start your momentum train, keep it running. Remember, “the hand of the diligent will rule, while the slothful will be put to forced labor.” -Proverbs 12:24 Focus on your business on a daily basis and you will reap the rewards of your work when it is time. Keep God first and be grateful for what you have already achieved. Sow in the spring, water in the summer, and reap in the fall and winter.
Thanks for reading the Road to Six Figures Challenge Day 4!