7 Reasons Why You Need To Build An Email List

Having an engaged email list is like being able to print money on demand. In this article, we’re going to discuss 7 Reasons Why You Need To Build An Email List.

7 Reasons Why You Need To Build An Email List

1. Control of Traffic

With an email list you have traffic at your disposal with just a click of a button. For example, if you have an email list of 25,000 people you can send them an email letting them know you have a new blog post on your blog. Over the course of a month, imagine how much traffic you can drive to your blog.

The great news about it is that this is traffic you are paying a small amount of money for. The only money you are spending is for the cost of you email autoresponder. Sending emails are free with most autoresponders. With an email list, you can literally make free money with a click of a button.

2. Massive Leverage

Having an email list also gives you leverage. Instead of paying money to reach an audience on a place like FaceBook, with an email list you have access to an audience for free. And the best part about it is that you can reach this audience at anytime of the day. If you want to send them to an offer in 6 AM in the morning, you can write out an email, schedule it, and just like that you can have people going to your offer page and buying what you offer.

7 Reasons Why You Need To Build An Email List

3. Profits on Demand

With an email list, you can create profits on demand. Imagine sending out an email with a special offer to 20,000 subscribers. You choose when you want to make money. Crafting an email and sending it is the only work you have to do. I like to compare an email list to your own personal 24/7 ATM machine. Whenever you want to make money, you blast out an email to your subscribers and in return you’ll get profits.

4. Location Free Profits

Another reason why you want an email list is because it is location free. As long as you have access to a laptop and an internet access, you can send out emails from anywhere. Also, with an email autoresponder, you can schedule out emails to send for as long as you want.

Let’s say you are going outside your country for 2 weeks but you still want to make money. You can write out your emails for the next 2 weeks and schedule them. So, when you are outside the country, your emails will automatically go out when you scheduled them and depending on the size of your list this equals profits in your bank account.

Related3 Ways To Build A Profitable Email List

5. Unlimited Income

You control how much money you want to make with your email list. The average numbers is $0.50 to $1.50 per email subscriber per month. Do the math, if you have 10,000 subscribers on average you can make $10,000 per month.

If you want to make $50,000 per month then build an email list of 50,000 people. There’s no cap on how many people you can have on your email list. The more people you have, the more money you can make.

6. Backend Profits

In the process of building your email list, you should understand that the most money you are going to make is in the backend. You can breakeven or even lose money in the beginning when you build your list but make massive profits on the back end.

This is how it works. You give a freebie to get someone to sign up to your email list. Once they sign up, you provide valuable information for free so they see what you are about. Then, you sell them products and services that go along with the information you are giving them for free. People are going to buy your products because you have provided value to them already and because they want more in-depth information on your topic. The great news is that as long as they are subscribed, you can send multiple products at various price points to them. This is how you make massive profits on the back end.

7. Better Conversion Rates

Every marketer knows that a warm audience converts better than a cold audience. Well, someone who is on your email list is apart of your warm audience because they have signed up for your email list.

7 Reasons Why You Need To Build An Email List

When you have a new product you want to sell the people who are most likely to buy it are the people who have heard of you. Your conversion rates on a warm audience is almost always going to be higher than a cold audience.

Thanks for reading our article detailing 7 Reasons Why You Need To Build An Email List. If you’re interested in starting your own business, download our free guide: 25 Six Figure Businesses You Can Start Today.

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