7 Ways To Improve Time Management As An Entrepreneur

Everyone has 24 hours within a day, the key is how you spend your time. In this article, we are going to discuss 7 Ways To Improve Time Management As An Entrepreneur.

7 Ways To Improve Time Management As An Entrepreneur


Use a calendar and begin to log the activities you do throughout the day. It’s hard to manage the time you have if you don’t know how you are spending it. Once you are able to review how you spend your time, then you can see and choose the activities that provide the biggest returns for you in your life. Make sure you log as many activities as you can, this should include the time you wake up, exercise, shower, etc.


Time is infinitely more valuable than money because you can’t get time back once it’s spent. However, placing a dollar value on your time can help you choose which activities you should do and which activities you should delegate. For example, lets say the current monetary value for your time is $300 per hour. You would be better off delegating your social media scheduling activity for $25 per hour. You can then use the $275 per hour left of your time to focus on activities that are going to directly impact your bottom line. Your goal should be to spend as much time as possible on profit making activities and delegate or outsource the other activities.

11 Ways To Improve Time Management As An Entrepreneur


Create a to do list the night before. Then, place the tasks in different buckets, at the bare minimum: Work and Personal. If you think a task is going to take longer than 90 minutes, break the task down in to smaller tasks. Then, time block those tasks on your calendar with reminders. This makes your day more scheduled and allows you to accomplish the things you need to accomplish throughout the day.


To improve time management skills, you must set boundaries when it comes to your time. One of the biggest suckers of time is email. Ask yourself, how often do you check your email? If you check it more than 4 times per day then that’s a big problem. Set aside 15 minutes to check your email and start checking it once per day. Use the other time to perform activities that is going to bring in direct revenue. Do this with all activities that suck up your time with no positive return. You may even have to cut out some activities completely.

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Sticking to your plan throughout the day is more challenging than you think. Just remind yourself of the consequences for not following your plan and schedule. It could result in more work down the line, less revenue coming in, etc. Also remind yourself of the benefits of sticking to your plan. This can be the amount of money you can generate by getting the activities you need to get done, on time.

7 Ways To Improve Time Management As An Entrepreneur


Understand what type of person you are. Are you the type to be most productive in the morning or afternoon? Also, create a place where you live that is conducive to you getting work done. If you have a home office, add items to it that can help keep you focused and less distracted. Maybe have your vision board on the wall in front of your desk, for example. Maybe you have to listen to classical music while you work; the whole point is to find out what makes you the most productive and keep doing it.


If your house and your car is messy, its likely your time management will be messy as well. Try tidying up your space, your car, and your office. This can not only improve your productivity, it can also help you find the things you need easier and quicker. For example, my car is rarely dirty and the place where I work is tidy and conducive to me being productive throughout the day.

Thanks for reading 7 Ways To Improve Time Management As An Entrepreneur. Use these tips and improve your time management skills. Also, if you’re interested in starting your own business but need some business ideas, download our free guide here: 25 Six Figure Businesses You Can Start Today.

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