The Secret to Success



Investing can mean a lot of different things. You can invest in stocks, in real estate, and in bonds. The investment vehicle that offers the highest return on investment is investment in yourself. If you want to become successful, you must improve yourself. For example, attending seminars can renew your motivation in the pursuit of your goals. Most people invest more time in their jobs than they do in themselves and wonder why they aren’t successful. If you want to have more, you have to offer the marketplace more.


The secret to success is to become more valuable to the marketplace. Most people think that they are getting paid by their time, but in reality they are getting paid by the value they are giving to their employer or the marketplace. If you are getting paid $7.35 per hour but want to get paid $25 per hour, you aren’t giving your employer or the marketplace enough value to justify getting paid $25 per hour.

How can I become more valuable?

The first step is to take the focus off of the things you can’t control such as your past, the economy, and poverty, and instead focus on the the things you can control. You can find ways to serve more, improve yourself, and add more value to the marketplace. Find ways to do more for others in a short amount of time. If you can serve millions of people, you can earn millions of dollars. The most important investment is always investing in yourself. Self-education, personal development courses, and books can make you grow as a person and become successful in the process. Adding value is a guaranteed way of increasing your income in the shortest amount of time. If you happen to work for yourself, you can capture the most amount of value in comparison to working for someone else who will only give you a small percentage of the value you bring to the table.


Success comes to those who know how to adapt to the marketplace by learning new skills to apply to opportunities that arise. If you want your income to improve, you must figure out a way to improve yourself. Technology is an enabler that allows people to connect to a larger audience than they could without technology. Take advantage of the internet, if their is anyone making a ton of money in your field, you can make make lot of money too.

Remember, the marketplace will always tell you how valuable you are by the amount of money you are making. Never settle, never give up, never stop learning, never stop growing, and never stop investing in yourself.

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10 Responses

  1. Chrinstine 8 years ago
    • Entrepreneur Millionaire 8 years ago
  2. rene jimenez twitter 8 years ago
    • Entrepreneur Millionaire 8 years ago
  3. John 8 years ago
    • Entrepreneur Millionaire 8 years ago
    • Entrepreneur Millionaire 8 years ago
  4. Toy 8 years ago
    • Entrepreneur Millionaire 8 years ago

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